Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23 review

It has Krysten Ritter in it, so my interest is already, I can't believe I STILL haven't reached the required 100 characters to post my review.

Hex review

I'm sort of conflicted about this show. It started as a Buffy-wannabe, had the same mix of horror and humor, then it got upended, had character changes and just devolved into a weird, unpleasant series. The ending left me wanting more and wishing it stayed on its original course.

Fahrenheit 451 review

For a story about banning books, there's a certain perverse satisfaction that Fahrenheit 451 is now available as an e-book!

Being Erica review

I stumbled across this on SoapNet a few years ago and really liked it. It was a bit too Pollyanna-like, but the points did hit home most of the time.

Point Blank review

The basis for Mel Gibson's Payback. A classic; violent, nasty and gets to the point! Probably one of the best of the 60s!

Night Gallery review

THE timeless classic of the TV sci-fi genre,...and a lot of up-and-comers got their start on this show!

The Golden Compass review

Even after scrubbing this garbage of its anti-Christian themes, it stunk! Daniel Craig and Nicole Kidman act like they phoned their parts in; Eva Green's role was wasted and the whole thing was long and boring.

Dagon review

Updated but fairly faithful version of Lovecraft's "Shadow Over Innsmouth," but the primarily Euro loses something in the translation.

UFO review

I remember this as a kid. They never explained the purple wigs, but the women were hot!

UFO review

I remember this as a kid. They never explained the purple wigs, but the women were hot!