Monarch of the Glen review

One of the few BBC shows that focused on rural Scottish life. I really liked the show, even with all the cast changes.

The Newsroom review

Another iteration of Aaron Sorkin's idealistic, liberal media world. Repeated slams against everything and anything that doesn't lean left in America. You can populate the show with the most telegenic actors and write the snappiest dialogue, but in the end, it's the same ol' BS! Didn't Studio 60 get canned using the same format?

The Neighbors review

This was so bad, I couldn't watch the entire first 30 minutes! Someone from the production company clearly has something on the head of programming at ABC! OMFG my head still hurts!

United 93 review

Horrifying, entrancing, and all-too-real. Knowing how the story ends didn't detract from WHAT went on during that flight. Paul Greengrass and the producers did a tremendous job piecing together a coherent story from all the second-hand accounts of the family and friends on board that doomed flight.

Luther review

The British take on a damaged, conflicted, nose-to-the-grindstone beat detective. Really well done, even by BBC standards.

Country Strong review

A Southern-fried version of "A Star is Born." Gwyneth Paltrow as a wash-up country singer just didn't look right, especially after all of her English romantic movies.

Nashville review

Why does this look like [Link removed - login to see] as a TV series, but without the tragic ending of the movie??

Creation review

Oddly-paced moved. Semi-spoiler: this is NOT a biopic about Darwin's explorations or how he arrived at his theory of creationism. Rather, this is more about the struggles Darwin encountered within his own life as he tried to rationalize what his scientific training told him with his Christian upbringing and the then-prevailing ideas that all existed as God created them and spontaneous conversion (i.e. goose barnacles become barnacle geese). The driving factor here is Darwin's faith was shattered by the death of his young daughter (medicine still being more of an art than a science at the time). I walked away unimpressed.

The Closer review

As The Closer comes to an end, reflection dictates that we will remember the show, which started as summer filler, complete with a crazy-like-a-fox, fish-out-of-water protagonist, proved to be stronger than anyone ever gave it credit. And it helped launch the current creative excellence and dominance of cable television over the network trash (especially when the Big 4 seem hell-bent to show nothing but "reality shows" until the fall).

Last Resort review

Why does this look like [Link removed - login to see] meets "Jersey Shore" and written by the Coen Brothers???