Where do I start?
- Katie McGrath, late of "Merlin" and the quickly-cancelled "Dracula" reboot, seemed to have a hard time controlling her native Irish accent (probably not an issue in Anglophone Canadian, especially the Maritimes, but I noticed it.)
- Hitting on all the pointless Canadianism tropes: a mixed-race marriage, prominent gay couple (hell, one of the victims was discovered by a lesbian couple on a hike!). Not that there's anything wrong with that,...
- The villain's ID was telegraphed in Episode 1 - I knew it was either (SPOILER ALERT!!) the Anglican reverend or his police officer son in the first 30 minutes!
- I don't live in Canada, but I would think after the second or third murder would have resulted in the intervention of the O.P.P. (the show was clearly based in Ontario) or the RCMP, instead of a lot of shoe-gazing and existential worry!
- The appearance of every member of[Link removed - login to see]0 actor. Even DeGrassi stars Lauren Collins and Paula Brancati got 5 minutes' of pointless face time.
In all, it was a dozen hours of prime DVR time that could have been better used viewing another series!